
Working with artists and historians, Oregon Cartoon Institute creates interdisciplinary programs and resources which deepen understanding and improve access to information about Oregon film, animation and print cartooning history for scholars, for educators, and for the general public.

We use new media, archival film, research, networking, and cross disciplinary discussion to explore these regional strengths. Oregon Cartoon Institute  has no brick and mortar presence, and always works in partnership with organizations which do.

With support from Kinsman Foundation and Miller Foundation, and in partnership with a broad array of cultural and educational institutions, OCI presented the Mel Blanc Project in 2011, Harry Smith PDX in 2013,  Mid Century Oregon Genius in 2014-2015, and UNDERGROUND USA in 2016.

In 2015, Oregon Cartoon Institute founded the annual Oregon Film History Conference, a one day crash course designed to showcase the complexity and diversity of Oregon film history for educators, historians, librarians, archivists, artists, writers, filmmakers, and museum professionals.

Q: Who speaks at, attends, and supports the Oregon Film History Conference?

A: Year by year: 2019  2018  2017  2016  2015

Q: Where can I get more  information about Oregon Cartoon Institute?

A: Right here!

A short history of OCI

OCI_who are we




OCI_historic firsts