Anne Richardson

Month: February, 2012

Crash Course On Oregon’s Three Warrior Poets: Joaquin Miller, C. E. S. Wood and John Reed

“I’m damned if I could tell the difference between a hexameter and a pentameter to save my scalp.” Joaquin Miller, c. 1871

Many surprises await the reader of “The Poet in the Desert”, for it is strong meat, the work of one of those rebel spirits who cannot free their souls without smashing most of the conventions. – New York Times, June 1915

Reed was no theoretician; he could not learn from books. His education came through his eyes, which were the eyes of a poet..—Granville Hicks, 1935

This year at the Northwest Poets Concord in Newport, Oregon, I will be giving a talk about frontier poet Joaquin Miller, soldier poet C. E. S. Wood, and war journalist poet John Reed.

The Envelope Please: Oregon Goes To The Oscars/ Feb. 26 @ OHS

On Sunday, February 26, at 2:00 PM, Oregon Movies, A to Z, aka Anne Richardson, talks Oscars at the Oregon Historical Society. 1200 SW Park Avenue in Portland.

This talk serves as a great crash course in Oregon film history.

Read the rest of this post at Oregon Movies, A to Z.